Welcome to the

Understand You Child's Nature and Help Him Reach His Potential

This course lays down the foundation of understanding your child’s nature. I have condensed years of experience and learning so that you can start helping your child reach his potential straight away.

About Khadijah

Hello and welcome!
I am Khadija Ashworth, a British living in Ireland, holding a certificate from the University of Cambridge in Child Brain Learning and Memory. By the grace of God I empower mothers around the world to assist their children in reaching their potential, in all stages of their learning.

Who is This Course For?

This course is ideal for you if you fall into one of these categories.


Mothers of Young Kids (under 2 years old)

If you are a mother with a child under 2 years old, then this course is ideal for you. We talk about all the things that are foundational for you to know about and you can start implementing the knowledge straight away.


Expecting Mothers

If you are pregnant, then you are at a very right time to take this course. This course will equip you to have the knowledge about your child so that you can help him. You will have a head start and all the foundational knowledge to hit the ground running once you have your baby.

Anyone who deals with young kids

If you teach kids in a school or you look after young kids, then you will find this course invaluable. You will gain an insight into how kids learn and what you need to know to teach them best. You can then start seeing improvement in your teaching and childern's response straight away inshaAllah.

Is This Course Really For me?

You are probably thinking if this course really is for you. We have heard some great feedback about our course by Allah’s grace.

أطفالي أكبر من 3 سنوات .. لكنني رأيت ولله الحمد أن صفعة الدروة كانت بمثابة إنقاذ حياة. لا أخفيك خرجت من الدورة و أنا أبكي .. هناك أمور كنت أتبعها مع أطفالي من عُمر صغير وهي اللعب بالطبيعة - ترعرعنا في وسط النخيل وسط واحة الأحساء ومزارعها وكان الوقت النوعي مع أطفالي هناك فهذه النقطة كانت لفته منك بأهميته ولم أكن أنظر له بتلك الطريقة. أما التطورات اللي حصلت أصبحت ولله الحمد أستطيع ضبط الغضب لدي وأصبح أحترامي لأسئلتهم التافهة أكثر أهمية. أتبعت قاعدة الإجابة بثلاث حقائق وصراحة لم أتخيل حجم الأسئلة المتسلسلة اللي خرجت من طفلي ذو الثلاث سنوات. أما روتين القراءة فلم يكن منضبط لكن أصبحت الآن أقرأ بشكل شبه يومي. ودائمًا ما أقرأ بجانبهم وعلى مسامعهم: بعضهم يسألني ماذا يعني ذلك والبعض ينظر للحروف. الآن مع بداية المدرسة لدينا الكثير لنفعله فخططت لتغيير الجدول بما يوافق مزاجهم. نسأل الله لنا ولهم العلم النافع وعملًا مُتقبلاً …. أحب أن أذكر لك إني فهمت فطرتي قبل فطرتهم: فهمت نفسي ومشاعري وسلوكي ومشاكلي.
فعلاً كانت الدورة بذلك العُمق من التأثير
Saudi Arabia
حقيقة من أجمل الدورات وأكثرها قربًا من القلب، واقعيّة، سلسة، ثريّة
استفدت منها فعلا، وانصح بها خصوصًا "للأم المستجدة"، لتنير لها الطريق بإذن الله وتثبت الأسس *
يجيني شعور ليتني ما اشتركت قبل عشان ارجع اشترك مرة ثانية وانبهر واستمتع
وسأكون سعيدة ومن أول المشتركات لو تتحفينا بالمزيد من الدورات واللقاءات!
Saudi Arabia

Who is This Course NOT For?

Obviously this course will not work for everyone. Let’s clear the expectations and say who this course is not for:

  • You do not have 20-30 minutes to spend each day with your child
  • If you are looking for some shortcut and quick fix
  • You are looking for a guaranteed increase in your child’s potential
  • You are looking for something on autopilot without any effort and work on your part

The idea behind this course is that you will gain the foundational knowledge about your child’s nature. Equipped with this knowledge and practical advice you can then start implementing it with your child. By Allah’s permission following the foundational principles discussed in this course you will not only understand why your child does what they do. But you will also be able to incorporate a daily rhythm which will allow your child to grow into their full potential.

There is no quick fix in this world, specially when it comes to children’s development.

What I can guarantee though is that if you take in all the information in the course and apply it on daily basis with your child, you will be a transformed mother by Allah’s permission.

What do You Get in This Recorded Course?

This course is fully packed with value and you will get:

Over 5 Hours of On Demand Video Lessons (Value 999 SAR)

Scenario Discussion to Prepare You for Different Situations (Value 399 SAR)

Each scenario will be given an individual feedback by Khadijah.

Multiple Quiz to Test Your Understanding (Value 250 SAR)

List of Poems for Kids (Value 50 SAR)

Total Value

1698 SAR

Course Curriculum

The course curriculum is below with the introduction is free sample that can be viewed now.


محتوى المساق

عرض الكل
Attachment Parenting
Child's Nature
محتوى الدرس
0% مكتمل 0/1 Steps
Kids Love to Learn
Knowledge Pathways
Daily Routine
Parting Remarks
محتوى الدرس
0% مكتمل 0/1 Steps

How Much Does This Cost?

Despite the overall value of the course, it has been priced at only SAR 999.00. But today you get it at a discounted price of SAR 550.00. A discount of SAR 450.00.

Understand You Child's Nature and Help Him Reach His Potential

SAR 550 (normally SAR 999)

one time payment

On Demand Video Lessons with Lifetime Access

Scenario Discussion to Prepare You for Different Situations

Each scenario will be given an individual feedback by Khadijah.

Multiple Quiz to Test Your Understanding

List of Poems for Kids

Free Bonus

Opportunity to create a practical daily plan and get a personal feedback (Value 250 SAR)

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you – if you’re actually going to do the work.

“Do the work” technically involves completing course. If you’ve done that and for whatever reason aren’t 100% happy with your experience, drop us an email (within 14 days of purchasing the course) and we’ll happily refund your entire payment . However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you’ve completed the entire course and included your reason for the cancellation in the email.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is suitable for anyone with young kids, expecting mothers, those who teach or train young kids or anyone who wants to have the knowledge that equips them in helping young kids achieve their potential.

I don’t want to make any false promises to you. The course is the first step but if you really want to see changes then you will have to take the knowledge and implement it.

There is a great feedback from past participants of the live version of this course so that should assure you that you are in good company.

Above all, if you complete the course and you don’t think you benefitted then we have a 14 days refund policy. All I ask you to do is to complete the course.

The course content is life time access. If you think that you will need the course in the future it is better to have early access and get a head start.

What Some Other Mothers Have Said?

عندما فهمت فطرة طفلي استطعت فهم الكثير من تصرفاته التي قد يغيب عن ذهني سببها وقلَّ توتري خلال اليوم ، فمنذو شهر بدأ طفلي برمي الألعاب وكلما أعدتها له يقوم برميها مرة اخرى، لم يكن هكذا قبل، هل اكتسب سلوك سيء؟ لو منعته فسأكون قد قمعت احد اساليب التعلم لدى طفلي (فالهدم يأتي قبل البناء) ، عندما فهمت فطرته علمت السبب فهو يحاول الربط بين سقوط اللعبه والصوت الصادر من ارتطام اللعبه في الارض.
مداخل العلوم التي فصلت فيها خديجة جعلت من كل زاوية في المنزل وكل دقيقة نقضيها معاً مليئة بالمتعة والفائدة.
مداخل العلوم كانت تخيفني من ناحية ان لا أكون كفوًا في اعطاء المعلومات ليس فقط الآن ولكن مستقبلاً عندما يكبر ، ولكن علمتنا خديجة ان نتعلم مع اطفالنا، ما زادني فضولاً وحباً للتعلم.
الدورات التي حضرتها كثيره ولكن لم أجد ربط قوي لمركزية الوحي في جميع ما نعلمه أطفالنا بل وحتى في اصغر التفاصيل.
Saudi Arabia